Charles Bronson (Any Charles Bronson Movie)
There are certain people who aren't that big or strong, but you can tell just by looking at them that they're one bad ass motherfu*ker. That's Charles Bronson.
Marv (Sin City)
Marv can withstand multiple gunshot wounds (including shots to the head), being hit by a car, taking a blow to the head by a sledgehammer and the inital shock of the electric chair. If that's not a badass, I don't know what is.
Snake Plissken (Escape From New York/LA)
The former U.S. Army Lieutent served under Special Forces Unit Black Flight with two Purple Hearts and he the youngest soldier to be decorated by the U.S. President for bravery during campaigns in Leningrad and Siberia in World War III against the USSR ... which has even happened yet. All that stuff is great and all, but the eyepatch is Snake's true badass selling point.
John McClane (Die Hard 1-4)
The man simply can't be killed. You could set John McClane on fire, shoot him 37 times and he'd still find a way to comeback and kill you and your family.
Bruce Lee (Every Bruce Lee Movie)
The greatest martial artist ever that was such a badass that many people believe the Chinese Triad secrelty murdered him with a secret mixture of marijuana and pain killers.
Maximus (Gladiator)
Rome's finest warriors and tigers were no match for Maximus. It's just a shame he couldn't live long enough to have sex with Connie Nielsen. Man she was hot in that movie.
Conan The Barbarian
The "Warrior Gladiator King" loved to crush his enemies, see them driven before him ... and he really loves to hear the lamentation of their women. I don't even know what lamentation means, but it sounds pretty badass.
The "Warrior Gladiator King" loved to crush his enemies, see them driven before him ... and he really loves to hear the lamentation of their women. I don't even know what lamentation means, but it sounds pretty badass.
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